August 7, 2007

9 Things You Didn't Know About Claude

9. He's mostly falls into the 15 percent of Americans who hate the remaining 85 percent of Americans, as identified by David Letterman.
8. His favorite color is green, celadon green right now.
7. He does not like cats, and isn't particularly enamored of lolcats either.
6. He doesn't have a middle name.
5. Small children scare him.
4. He was once asked to join Ripley's-Believe-it-or-Not Troupe, but politely, yet condescendingly declined.
3. He likes to sing Neil Diamond in the shower.
2. He and Britney have the following things in common: spent time in the same rehab penthouse, sport the same do, and look pretty f*ing sweet in green sweatpant suits.
1. He taught Oscar the f*bomb when he was five.

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