August 1, 2008

Reasons for Cuil's Less than Stellar Launch Include Strawberries and Muffins, Oh My!

This just in, we now have some factual information to back up what may have triggered the series of most unfortunate events with the recent launch of wanna be Google killer "Cuil". According to a few online sources, Cuil whittled away their $33 million dollar VC backing on strawberries and muffins, free lunches every day, uber-flexible work schedules, and extravagent first class plane tickets.

According to UK based The Register, more recent issues with the new search engine include exposing people to excessive amounts of unsolicited porn, a result they say which was caused by some "serious file corruption". Things are not rolling along smoothly for launch week.

But, they have one ace up their sleeve... online super hero Danny Sullivan of Search Engine Land and now Editor-at-Large for Sphinn, turns out to be friends of one of the people involved in launching Cuil. Is it coincidence then his reviews of the product are mainly positive, upbeat, and he seems to be spear heading up the Cuil reputation management defense?

It's amazing what little $33 million can buy you some days.

Peace Out,
Mystery Dinner Guest & Claude

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