February 20, 2008

Tomato Man is Back!

For the love of Christ, Tomato Man is already back in action! It seems early, it being all of 31 degrees and feels like 23. Snowflakes could bust a move any minute now, yet there he sits. Outside, on his stool, all patient like with his dog. Watching his very early, lone tomato.

Tomato, singular, which is usually plural, but it appears he is starting slow outta the gates this year. Or maybe that's how it went last year, if only we'd pay more attention to the peeps. One lonely plant stands where several will soon join, all bundled up in cellophane or plastic or whatever material he's got on protecting the singular plant at this peculiar time of year to be planting.

Tomato by way of guessing, as I never do actually see the plants in the flesh. It's a quick drive-by, sometimes a sideways glance while passing by bike on the trail parallel to his house. I see the cellophane, wrapping its way around circular stakes, which I can only assume to be tomato. It could be corn. Or peas. Or pot for all I know, but that would be pretty brazen as he's sitting on a state road.

And who is to say he's early? By my count, it being the official beginning of spring training in Florida and Arizona maybe he is the smart one and I the learning by the seat of my pants one. Enough snowfall is projected this week to require plowing and digging out of driveways, but that cellophane is probably pretty rad shit. Maybe as warm as moon boots, puffy North Face jackets, or even warmer.

Me, I'm just washing my hands from planting my seeds indoors. Tomato Man, he's got it going ON while I am looking at weeks of tedious watering and moving around and draining and prodding. But what do I know?

Claude & MDG thinks we got us a 'ject in the works here. A little late night sneaky pants action to find out what hides beneath the cellophane perhaps? It'll have to be stealth though and Claude will have to do the leg work as MDG is not at all interested in adding trespassing or B&E to my rap sheet. Not that B&E was even mentioned, but you know how one thing leads to another in these type pursuits.

One thing is for certain though, wese peeps are back in the action on our blog. You can count on it.

Peace Out,
Claude & MDG


Anonymous said...

Brilliant. Any chance of MDG sharing the contents of the current rap sheet? Perhaps embezzlement, or espionage? Or would it be something less exciting and dangerous, along the lines of pocketing a candy bar from the local store as a young-one? Do tell. And you simply must share the outcome of your late-night sneaking-a-peak at Tomato Man's prized plant!

mdg said...

we thank you for your posting, and will consider divulging some of this information in a later post! thank you, claude & mdg