Who are they using to test this sh*t out on? Monkeys from the deepest jungles of Africa? Wild boars from parts of middle America that shall go unnamed? Almost ex-heroin users trying to get a fix? Perhaps, hmmm... perhaps they do not have user groups for the On Demand menu feature... or for the freakish design of their remote control for that matter.
How many times can we get lost in On Demand menus? Or find a movie we want to watch which seems to drop off the face of the earth when going back to select it? Would it kill Comcast to make a universal "Back" option that exits you out of every screen? Could they consider the needs of the simple minded human being when designing these services? Considering the fees we pay to use them, it seems like the least they could do. Ouch, our heads hurt from thinking about it.
Anyone else out there know what we're talking about? That's all for now...
Peace out,
Claude & mdg (mystery dinner guest)
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