It's a very sad day in Claude's life. Today he got kicked out of Facebook. Yes, we're sorry to report this news but it is in fact the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help us G*d. Upon trying to login to Facebook this morning, instead of his Facebook profile, he got the not so nice message "Your account has been disabled by an administrator. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here."
Well, zoinks!!! We are just flabbergasted, in shock and awe, more disturbed by this than the Reverend Jesse Jackson comment about wanting to cut Barack Obama's nuts off. Or however he phrased it.
So kids, when you login to your Facebook accounts and are scratching your head wondering why your Friends count is minus one, this is why.
RIP Claude's Facebook Account ~ Wiped clean from the virtual world on 7-10-2008.
While strolling through the blogosphere I came upon this "article?" This Claude looks like a weeble who has been chewed by a squirrel or something. This may have been of interest in the 70's - the 1870's - but it is so irrelevent. Consider the greater things in life such as what's Madoona doing today or is Lindsey gay or what dumb ass thing has Congress done today, and Claude's nothingness gains meaning and perspective. Maybe you should return to restaurant reviews where you seem to have a good base, until you obviously get too much into the booze and start losing the thought.
These are all great points unto themselves, anonymous. I thank you for bringing these all to my attention, and for the suggestive refocus on my editorials, rants, articles or whatever you wish to refer to them as.
And Yes, Lindsay is gay for a New York minute.
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