June 6, 2008

Know of any good gardening websites?

Mystery Dinner Guest is:
a) hoping for a sunny & warm weekend here on the Cape
b) hoping to get some gardening in
c) trying to get some tips for the gardening
d) feeling like lazy way out of blogging right now and this seems to fit the bill... oh, wait. was that part out loud?

I'll be the first to admit, I'm not the greenest thumb out there I know. While I like to pride myself on my multifarious other ways of being green, I have been known to kill a plant or two. So, we were hoping that someone might be kind enough to share their knowledge on any good online gardening web sites. Preferably ones that give you good ideas, with a good balance of pictures and instructions. Actually, lots of good pictures would be preferable. Nothing overly scientific, I get lost and confused in the academia angle. 

So, yah. that's pretty much my lame ass post for the day here... looking for ideas on gardening sites? Anyone? Buueeelller?!

Peace Out, 

1 comment:

mdg said...

c'mon, there's gotta be someone holding back their secret online gardening site...