Hey Verizon!
We're glad you're reading this, as you likely have (one would hope) in place mechanisms to scan for stories with the name "Verizon", to monitor your online reputation? Yes? Good.
Moving on, we wanted to bring to your attention the fact that we, Mystery Dinner Guest and Claude, are rather surprised... a little bit of 'shock and awe' feeling actually with your seemingly lack of environmental concerns. We put forth for exhibit A, your recent advertising mailing for "$19.99 per month unlimited calling for 12 months". Now, we are no English Professor or expert, but were just wondering. Doesn't the second part of that sentence negate the "unlimited" part? But, I guess that's mincing words. Anyway, we found it beyond peculiar you chose to use a a very large and heavy weight "Priority Delivery" envelope to mail your single piece of paper in. *** Are you serious??? ***
Here are our questions on this campaign, in no particular order:
Why the big ass, unwarranted envelope?
Why not think about being green?
Why not think about the freakin' environment?
Why not start using recyclable materials for your advertisement mailings?
We'd like a response, you can post it to our blog here. Thanks.
Mystery Dinner Guest and Claude