July 16, 2007

Thanks Distilled! Wikipedia-Less Google for the Masses

It's been brought to MDG's attention there's a new way to search using Google! It seems our wishes have been granted, finally, a way to get Google search results without having to wade through buckets full of Wikipedia links. The talented and fun group of folks over at Distilled, in the UK, have developed a neat little plug-in for Firefox, which allows you to search Google sans Wikipedia.

Wikipedia seems to have risen in its incredible wiki-strength in Google, to a level of super sys admin, or David Beckham and Posh, or some kind of crazy bitch slapping hurricane all out of control like. We are just looking for a way to tame the beast, opt out of wiki results, turn off the wiki-ality.

For you fans in the UK, they're close to releasing a Google UK version... as well as considering a similar plug-in for removing eBay results. Sweet!

We are thrilled, and so, so thankful. Thanks Distilled, you guys rock the house!!!

Yours Truly,
MDG, Claude, and the Citizens in Search of a Wikiless Google


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words - glad it's appreciated!

I'd better get on with that UK one....

m d g said...

It's greatly appreciated! I'm still thinking of getting some t-shirts done up... my sister came up with this one: "i love wikipedia..." (front) "NOT!" (back).

Is it me, or is the whole pro v anti wikipedia debate heating up?