Before I launch into the story about JCrew and your pockets, let me first announce I'm sharpening my pencil as you read this for a super restaurant review next weekend. We'll be ferrying over to Martha's Vineyard to dine at one of Edgartown's most exclusive restaurants, so stay tuned next week!
So recently I purchased a few things from JCrew, from their online website. When the box arrived, I opened it up and tried on everything. Thankfully, it all seemed to fit just fine so far. Getting down to the last item to try on, I pulled up the pants and went to button them. Only, no button. Hello, button? But, I just bought this new thing and it's supposed to be all bright and shiny like, and, wtf happened? Thinking, did it get all busted up in the shipping and handling? Shaking the box and ransacking through the packaging a second time, I look down and stick my hands into my pockets of my button-less pants. What's this? A piece of paper it feels like, pulling it out I unfold it and read it aloud... "button fell off". Hmm, well yes, by George, that seems to be the case!I do believe you got it.
But, my shiny, new thing is not new? I just ordered it... my brain, it hurts from thinking about it. And do I return it back to them and need to fill out the return slip too? As if to say, hey guys, guys. Listen up for a second, you remember these pants that were supposed to go to returns? Well, can you please put them in the right bucket this time? I mean really. Is that so much to ask?