Wese thinkin' we were being on the d-l and nobody would notice, but just found out
wese been stone cold busted
slackin off on the job here. In case anyone had the decency to wonder, "Now what in the heck do you supposed happened to our little friend Claude? I
could've sworn he was just right here and then poof, he's just off again. And how am I supposed to sleep at night not knowing what ever happened to Tomato Man?"
Well, first of all, it
is rather easy to move around at lightning speed without being noticed so much. Being two and a half inches tall does have its advantages. Second of all, I was desperately in need of some r&r. Thirdly, mole hunting. Sometimes chasing moles just calls to me. It's like, you can't even begin to imagine how much fun mole hunting is. I mean, maybe you would have a glimmer of an idea if you've played Buck Hunter, but most likely you just don't get point three. Fourthly, I'm just way too busy sometimes to execute on all my multifarious skilz. You think my man Perez Hilton's calendar is mad busy, you ain't seen mine. Enough said. I'm back again. At least for now... I mean summer is calling on the Cape and I'm getting ready to get really comfy in my beach chair.
[Mystery Dinner Guest note: He f-
ing bailed to Florida without giving any notice. Then was kind enough to send pictures of taking in spring training games and sunning by the pool. Thank god he managed to get his SPF by airport security, I mean, you should see Claude with a sunburn. Now that's funny.]