Are me and Claude the only peeps who think the MLB.com is about as greedy as a crack monkey who runs out of crack at one in the morning? Well, perhaps that depiction of greedy may not be the best one we can enact, but you get the picture. We're just sayin that MLB.com is mother f*ing uber greedy!
Driving into work the other morning, we picked up some of the Red Sox game being aired from Japan exhibition games. Good stuff. NPR gets a little dry over time and it was a nice change of pace. Listening, listening, enjoying it...
Get to work, shut off radio, head into our office. A lightbulb went off, "hey, let's see if we can't listen to the game streaming it from our computer". Brilliant and it's only Monday at 8:30am.
Quick Googling results find us navigating around the MLB.com web site. Hold up, let us get this straight. We need to PAY the MLB.com greed monster organization to LISTEN to same Red Sox game playing on the radio? Are you serious?
Ah yes, this is the same organization going after Cape league baseball teams for infringing on usage of seven or so pro-league baseball names. They'll have the Cape teams coughing up some serious dough soon enough. We're not condoning ripping of trademarks, intellectual property, or the likes but aren't these Cape league teams fodder for the pro-league?
We'll have to look into getting ourselves a fancy radio to tune into the Red Sox games, as there's no way in hell we would pay the MLB.com a red hot cent for the opportunity to listen to something we can get for free elsewhere.
Rant out.
MDG & Claude