August 21, 2007
August 17, 2007
Billiam For Prez!
Ok, so Claude and MDG are both fickle. After watching the recently glamorous Billiam on YouTube, and again on CNN, we must say our vote is now up in the air. A write in candidate for the ballots, perhaps?
We love Billiam. He asks an important question on our future environmental trajectory and scares the chickens out of Mitt Romney. Now, why is that? Mitt can't face off with a snowman? WTF? Pehaps he needs to start pumping some iron, or take a multi-vitamin, or try eating Wheaties. This shrugging off a critical question on voters minds leaves us only to conclude Mitt has no answer. --- red flag for Mitt ---
In case you missed it, here's the YouTube clip below of Billiam's response to Mitt's shrugging off his first election question...
Brilliant! Look forward to seeing Billiam at the next debates, we'll be watching.
We love Billiam. He asks an important question on our future environmental trajectory and scares the chickens out of Mitt Romney. Now, why is that? Mitt can't face off with a snowman? WTF? Pehaps he needs to start pumping some iron, or take a multi-vitamin, or try eating Wheaties. This shrugging off a critical question on voters minds leaves us only to conclude Mitt has no answer. --- red flag for Mitt ---
In case you missed it, here's the YouTube clip below of Billiam's response to Mitt's shrugging off his first election question...
Brilliant! Look forward to seeing Billiam at the next debates, we'll be watching.
August 9, 2007
How YouTube Changed the Election
Flash forward to the election count for 2008... did YouTube matter? Yes, you betcha'. How? Here's some of the tangible ways YouTube changed the 2008 United States presidential election:
Note: Don't try and watch this YouTube clip over dial-up. That's not a good thing.
Claude's predicting a winner at this junction in the race. True, it's early on, and there's a whole lotta campaigning and speaches and fund raising up the wazoo left to be done, but Claude's going with Barack Obama for 2008. It wasn't the Obama girl YouTube video that got us, just for the record, but we're behind you all the way. Go Barack, you already got our vote!
- Accountability. If you make mistakes now, made mistakes then, or are making mistakes in the future, YouTube will be there to illuminate them. In living color, on replay, and on demand.
- Real questions. YouTube brings the power to the people. Voila, a format for average Joe to ask questions of the candidates, and let their voice actually be heard. MDG's still a little bit frightened by the man with his pet gun, asking questions on gun control, but hey, power to the people.
- Greater media reach. YouTube's acquisition by Google makes it financially injected, and poised for pole position.
- It came at you fast like a spider monkey. Suddenly the masses, along with the candidates realized, YouTube does matter. It matters a whole lot. It happened a bit fast, like the clip at which Rob and Big, Meaty and Mini Horse are growing on us, but that's cool and the gang, yo.
- It connected with you on a different level than traditional media like television, radio & newspapers.
Note: Don't try and watch this YouTube clip over dial-up. That's not a good thing.
Claude's predicting a winner at this junction in the race. True, it's early on, and there's a whole lotta campaigning and speaches and fund raising up the wazoo left to be done, but Claude's going with Barack Obama for 2008. It wasn't the Obama girl YouTube video that got us, just for the record, but we're behind you all the way. Go Barack, you already got our vote!
August 7, 2007
9 Things You Didn't Know About Claude
9. He's mostly falls into the 15 percent of Americans who hate the remaining 85 percent of Americans, as identified by David Letterman.
8. His favorite color is green, celadon green right now.
7. He does not like cats, and isn't particularly enamored of lolcats either.
6. He doesn't have a middle name.
5. Small children scare him.
4. He was once asked to join Ripley's-Believe-it-or-Not Troupe, but politely, yet condescendingly declined.
3. He likes to sing Neil Diamond in the shower.
2. He and Britney have the following things in common: spent time in the same rehab penthouse, sport the same do, and look pretty f*ing sweet in green sweatpant suits.
1. He taught Oscar the f*bomb when he was five.
8. His favorite color is green, celadon green right now.
7. He does not like cats, and isn't particularly enamored of lolcats either.
6. He doesn't have a middle name.
5. Small children scare him.
4. He was once asked to join Ripley's-Believe-it-or-Not Troupe, but politely, yet condescendingly declined.
3. He likes to sing Neil Diamond in the shower.
2. He and Britney have the following things in common: spent time in the same rehab penthouse, sport the same do, and look pretty f*ing sweet in green sweatpant suits.
1. He taught Oscar the f*bomb when he was five.
August 5, 2007
Claude's Howze
Man, Claude's getting amped up about his upcoming trip to the land of Led Zeppelin and gettin' the Led out. Home of the best damn chicken wings you'll ever taste, in fifty different flavors to choose from. They're all good. Home of Rod Serling and inspiration to his Twighlight Zone.
Also in the land where Claude hails from is Claude's howze. He pretty much big pimps it there, and we recently set up a photo shoot to share a glimpse into Claude's life. Like Britney's recent glam shoot, this one didn't go so well at times. Unlike that two dollar magazine though, we're actually gonna share with you the pix we got...
Shout out huge "THANKS" to Mystery Dinner Guest's friend, Z, for providing the sweet photo shoot and awesome captions! This is best read while listening to Led Zepplin and eating chicken wings...

This first one is of the woman and the horse. At first you're like, "Who is this woman and apparently the horse she rode in on????" Then you're like is this Claude's long lost wife and the horse she's been riding? But then finally you realize this is Claude's long lost illegitimate horse of a son......(insert joke here)

So I shot this one and the grouch was pleased. He was like "Yeah motherfucker!! You take a shot of the grouch you take it head on baby!! You get the full grouch effect motherfucker!!!" Man that grouch has a filthy fucking mouth....later----Z
Also in the land where Claude hails from is Claude's howze. He pretty much big pimps it there, and we recently set up a photo shoot to share a glimpse into Claude's life. Like Britney's recent glam shoot, this one didn't go so well at times. Unlike that two dollar magazine though, we're actually gonna share with you the pix we got...
Shout out huge "THANKS" to Mystery Dinner Guest's friend, Z, for providing the sweet photo shoot and awesome captions! This is best read while listening to Led Zepplin and eating chicken wings...
This first one is of the woman and the horse. At first you're like, "Who is this woman and apparently the horse she rode in on????" Then you're like is this Claude's long lost wife and the horse she's been riding? But then finally you realize this is Claude's long lost illegitimate horse of a son......(insert joke here)
Then I thought I'd take an aerial shot of Claude's future dream and I noticed Oscar who I had forgot to put in the pics. Needless to say he was pissed off even worse then usual.....
So I hurried to get Oscar into the shot as quickly as possible and shot this one.....big mistake. As soon as Mr. Grouch heard the flash go off he knew I had got him from his left side which is his BAD SIDE! He started screaming " Motherfucker I've been in this business 38 years and no one shoots me from my motherfucking left side.........motherfucker!!" "Look at my contract I have final approval over all fucking pictures.....SHOOT IT AGAIN!!!!!
So I shot this one and the grouch was pleased. He was like "Yeah motherfucker!! You take a shot of the grouch you take it head on baby!! You get the full grouch effect motherfucker!!!" Man that grouch has a filthy fucking mouth....later----Z
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